7.7.22. ps0918_enrproc_os75bb.txtΒΆ

LAST CHANGED    : Fri Mar 15 01:59:39 UTC 2019
CRUISE NAME(S)  : ps0918
CRUISE DATES    : 2009/09/22 14:35:59 to 2009/09/22 23:13:33
SHIP NAME       : Point Sur
PORTS           : Monterey, CA to Monterey, CA

STATUS          :  to do                           done
                  ------                       -----------
                  averaged                       [  x   ] LTA files
                  loaded                         [  x   ]
      NOTE: No automated time-dependent
                        heading correction exists

                  check heading correction       [  x   ]
                  calibration                    [  x   ]
                  edited                         [  x   ]
                  re-check heading correction    [  x   ]
                  check editing                  [  x   ]
                  figures                        [  x   ]

INSTRUMENT      : os75

     PROGRAM    : lta
     PROCESSING:    : python

LOGGING         : 

     PARAMETERS : BT : bottom track mode (on or off)
                  SI : sampling interval or averaging period for ensemble (sec)
                  NB : number of bins
                  BL : bin length (m)
                  TD : transducer depth (m)
                  BK : blanking length (m)
                  HO : heading offset applied by DAS (deg)
                  HB : heading bias (deg)
                  CRPH : compensation for roll-pitch-heading, 1:on, 0:off)
                  yy/mm/dd  hh:mm:ss   BT   SI  NB  BL  TD BK     HO     HB CRPH
                  2009/09/22 13:40:59   on  297  80   8   3  8   1.18   0.00 0001
                  2009/09/22 16:12:50   on  298  80   8   3  8   1.18   0.00 0001
                  2009/09/22 22:18:30   on  297  80   8   3  8   1.18   0.00 0001

HEADING         : 
     PRIMARY    : heading from gyro?? (specify primary heading device here)
     CORRECTION : specify heading correction device (if it exists)

POSITIONS       : gps 

CALIBRATION     : original heading angle 1.18
                  additional rotation 1.5
                  final transducer angle is:
                       (original transducer angle) - (rotate_angle)
                  applied scale factor 1
                  additional scale factor (none)

COMMENTS        : looks OK
PROCESSOR       : I.M. Persistent

--- processing parameters ----------

## (determined from "sonar"): model = os
## (determined from "sonar"): frequency = 75
## (determined from "sonar"): pingtype = bb
## (determined from "sonar"): instname = os75
             badbeam   None
           beamangle   30
          configtype   python
          cruisename   ps0918
            datatype   lta
              dbname   aship
             ens_len   300
             fixfile   aship.gps
               pgmin   50
         proc_engine   python
          ref_method   refsm
     refuv_smoothwin   3
        refuv_source   nav
               sonar   os75bb
            txy_file   aship.gps
           xducer_dx   0
           xducer_dy   0
            yearbase   2009

This 'help' refers to the codas_demos  ps0918 cruise.

(1) find out information about the data

Make a **project** directory (ps0918_vmdas)
From here:

        vmdas_info.py --logfile lta_manual_info.txt  os ../../vmdas_data/ps0918/*LTA
        vmdas_info.py --logfile enr_manual_info.txt  os ../../vmdas_data/ps0918/*ENR

The output says:

      - 3 files, all have data
      - averaging length: 300sec
      - instrument frequency 75
      - pingtypes: bb pings
      - bottom track was on for part of the cruise
      - beam angle 30 (normal for OS75)
      - transducer angle (EA) 1.18
      - messages available and what was used:

      N1R      HEHDT           <-- VmDAS primary heading

      N2R      GPGGA
      N2R      GPHDT
      N2R      PASHR,AT2       <-- VmDAS backup heading
      N2R      PASHR,ATT
      N2R      PASHR,POS

      N3R      GPGGA           <-- VmDAS primary position
      N3R      GPGLL

Look at the info files and note:
    - what kind of pings
    - averaging length
    - are filenames sorted in chronological order?
    - what was the heading source?

(2)  Start a text file "os75bb_ENR_manualproc.txt" adjacent to the processing directory,
     "os75bb_lta" and put this information in it:

       --> these are 'bb' pings
       --> averaged over 300sec
       --> frequency is 75kHz, so "sonar" os "os75bb"
       --> primary heading was HEHDT
       --> there is an Ashtech, used as secondary heading

(3) convert vmdas data to uhdas-style data

    mkdir config
    reform_vmdas.py --project_dir_path ./ --vmdas_dir_path ../../vmdas_data/ps0918 --uhdas_style_dir ../../uhdas_style_data  --cruisename ps0918_manual --start ..
    cd  config
    python3 vmdas2uhdas.py

(4) create the processing configuration file

   proc_starter.py reform_defs.py

   cd ..

(5a) set up processing directory:

     adcptree.py os75bb_manual --datatype uhdas --cruisename ps0918_manual
     cd os75bb_manual
     # make q_py.cnt
     quick_adcp.py --cntfile q_py.cnt  --auto

(5b) create a quick_adcp.py control file

 create a quick_adcp.py control file

        - you can create q_py.cnt with an editor to have the
          parts between (or including) the comments
        - it may be easier to call it "q_py.txt" to avoid
          fighting with your editor, which may try to set the suffix

    unix: this example  is written as a bash "heredoc" for
          cut-and-past ease, but you can create q_py.cnt with
          an editor to have the parts between (or including)
          the comments

cat << EOF > q_py.cnt

    ##### q_py.cnt is
    --yearbase 2009             ## required, for decimal day conversion
                                ##     (year of first data)
    --cruisename ps0918_manual  ## *must* match prefix in config dir
    --dbname aship              ## database name; in adcpdb.  eg. a0918
    --datatype uhdas            ## datafile type
    --sonar os75bb              ## specify instrument letters, frequency,
                                ##     (and ping type for ocean surveyors)
    --ens_len  300              ## averages of 300sec duration
    --update_gbin               ## required for this kind of processing
    --configtype  python        ## file used in config/ dirctory is python
    --ping_headcorr             ## ps0918_manual_proc.py says use HDT first,
                                ##    correct to ashtech
    --max_search_depth 1500     ## try to identify the bottom and eliminate
                                ##    data below the bottom IF topo says
                                ##    the bottom is shallower than 1000m

    #### end of q_py.cnt


(6) run quick_adcp.py:

   quick_adcp.py --cntfile q_py.cnt --auto

(7) Check calibrations

Number of edited points:   2 out of   2
   amp   = 1.0030  + 0.1228 (t - 264.8)
   phase =  -0.01  + 3.2807 (t - 264.8)
            median     mean      std
amplitude   1.0030   1.0030   0.0099
phase      -0.0150  -0.0150   0.2645

unedited: 21 points
edited:   18 points, 2.0 min speed, 2.5 max dev
            median     mean      std
amplitude   0.9996   1.0004   0.0044
phase       0.3090   0.3392   0.1713


(8)  apply rotation correction (no scale factor necessary)
     (all in one line)

     quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun rotate:navsteps:calib --rotate_angle 0.32  --auto

unedited: 20 points
edited:   16 points, 2.0 min speed, 2.5 max dev
            median     mean      std
amplitude   1.0002   1.0000   0.0024
phase      -0.0380  -0.0183   0.1113


(9)  edit bad data

   dataviewer.py -e

 # apply editing:

   quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun apply_edit:navsteps:calib  --auto

(10) make web plots

       quick_web.py --interactive

 - view with a browser, look at webpy/index.html

(11) extract data

   quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun matfiles --auto

    adcp_nc.py adcpdb  contour/os75bb  ps0918_demo os75bb --ship_name Point Sur