7.7.13. km1001c_postproc_os38nb.txtΒΆ

LAST CHANGED    : Sat Mar  9 23:45:53 UTC 2019
CRUISE NAME(S)  : km1001c
CRUISE DATES    : 2010/01/30 17:41:17 to 2010/01/30 18:11:47
SHIP NAME       : Kilo Moana
PORTS           : Coos Bay, OR to Coos Bay, OR
DATA FILES      : km2010_029_64800.raw to km2010_029_63671.raw

STATUS          :  to do                           done
	      ------                       -----------
	      averaged                       [  at sea   ]
	      loaded                         [  at sea   ]
	      check heading correction       [  x   ]
	      calibration                    [  x   ]
	      edited                         [  x   ]
	      re-check heading correction    [  x   ]
	      check editing                  [  x   ]
	      figures                        [  x   ]

	      --> OK to release to JASADCP (PI gave permission)

INSTRUMENT      : os38

 PROGRAM    : uhdas
 PING TYPE  : nb

 PARAMETERS : BT : bottom track mode (on or off)
	      SI : sampling interval or averaging period for ensemble (sec)
	      NB : number of bins
	      BL : bin length (m)
	      TD : transducer depth (m)
	      BK : blanking length (m)
	      HO : heading offset applied by DAS (deg)
	      HB : heading bias (deg)
	      CRPH : compensation for roll-pitch-heading, 1:on, 0:off)

	      yy/mm/dd  hh:mm:ss   BT   SI  NB  BL  TD BK     HO     HB CRPH
	      2010/01/30 17:46:23  off  300  70  24   7 16  44.55   0.00 0001

HEADING         :
 PRIMARY    : gyro

POSITIONS       : gps (specify more detail if available)

CALIBRATION     : original heading alignment: 44.55
	      additional rotation (no change)
	      additional scale factor (1.0065)
	      no gaps in heading correction

PROCESSOR       : I.M. Persistent



## (determined from "sonar"): model = os
## (determined from "sonar"): frequency = 38
## (determined from "sonar"): pingtype = nb
## (determined from "sonar"): instname = os38
	 badbeam   None
       beamangle   30
      configtype   python
      cruisename   km1001c
	datatype   uhdas
	  dbname   a_km
	 ens_len   300
	 fixfile   a_km.gps
	   pgmin   50
     proc_engine   python
      ref_method   refsm
 refuv_smoothwin   3
    refuv_source   nav
	   sonar   os38nb
	txy_file   a_km.gps
       xducer_dx   0
       xducer_dy   0
	yearbase   2010

Cruise km1001c processing:

The os38nb at-sea processing directory was copied from
the "proc" directory of the km1001c cruise disk.

All postprocessing is done with full codas+python (i.e. using

All commands are run from "os38nb" unless otherwise noted.

(1) Make directory km1001c for post-procssing

- copy proc/os38nb directory from cruise disk

     (i) copy the os38nb directory to "os38nb_postproc"
     (ii) make another copy called "os38nb_postproc_orig" for later comparison

- start editing a text file called os38nb.txt, with the
	contents of os38nb/cruise_info.txt at the top.
- keep notes down below, and fill in above later
   Look at the cruise track to see what we're expecting.

	plot_nav.py nav/a_km.gps

   - This is a cruise with a "patch test" to calibrate the
 multibeam.  There should be ample watertrack calibration
 points from the patch test.

(2) check accurate heading device (POSMV):
- look at figures in cal/rotate *hcorr.png for gaps
  (gaps would be red "+" signs -- there are none)

	 figview.py cal/rotate/*png

conclude: no action needed

(3) check calibration:

      (a)  look at heading correction: are there gaps? does it need to be patched?
      (b)  look at watertrack and bottom track calibrations: what can we expect?

(a)run this command, then add part (or all) of the
   record displayed, to the documetation:

      tail -20  cal/watertrk/adcpcal.out


  Number of edited points:  32 out of  36
   amp   = 1.0080  + -0.0027 (t -  30.3)
   phase =  -0.01  + 0.0589 (t -  30.3)
	  median     mean      std
  amplitude   1.0060   1.0080   0.0085   <--- slight scale factor
  phase       0.0775  -0.0058   0.4343   <--- no phase adjustment

  ===> look at the watertrack figures:

  figview.py cal/watertrk/*png

 (b) cal/botmtrk/btcaluv.out  (no bottom track)

 - action: watertrack suggests a slight scale factor
    might be applied after editing

 - this is "close enough" to allow editing at this point

(4) view the data



  - update the navigations steps and redo calibration -- get
  the directory in line with modern tools and metadata

  This will fail:

       quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun calib --auto

#  - NOTE: quick_adcp.py will complain about missing some information.
#    At each error, include the information in the quick_adcp.py
#      command line until it runs.
#      ERROR                          solution: add to commands
#   ERROR -- must select "datatype"      "--datatype uhdas"
#   ERROR -- must set "sonar"            "--sonar os38nb"
#   ERROR -- must set "yearbase"         "--yearbase 2010"
#   ERROR -- must set "ens_len"          "--ens_len 300"
#   Look in the file adcpdb/a_km.cnh to determine the number of
#   seconds used for the averaging.  We need the column "SI" for
#   "sampling interval"
#   ERROR -- must set "cruisename"       "--cruisename  km1001c"
#   For post-processing, the cruise name is just used for titles
#   ERROR -- must set "beamangle"        "--beamangle 30"
#   Usually, beamangles are:
#	       os38, os75, os150               30
#	       wh300, wh600, wh1200            20
#	       bb75, bb150, bb300              30
#	       nb150, nb300                    30
#  - now try again

    quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --datatype uhdas --sonar os38nb --beamangle 30 --yearbase 2010 --ens_len 300 --cruisename km1001c --auto

Now make sure all the edits have been applied and look at the calibration

   cd ..
   quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun apply_edit:navsteps:calib  --auto
   tail -20 cal/watertrk/adcpcal.out

   Number of edited points:  32 out of  35
  amp   = 1.0080  + -0.0027 (t -  30.3)
  phase =  -0.01  + 0.0589 (t -  30.3)
	      median     mean      std
  amplitude   1.0060   1.0080   0.0085
  phase       0.0775  -0.0058   0.4343

(6) Edit out any bad points or profiles, or the data below the bottom using

     dataviewer.py -e

(7) Apply final calibration

   There are 32 points, enough for reasonable statistics

 # A phase correction is not warranted because the
 # mean and median are under 0.1 degree.  If the phase
 # values above had said X.YY, then we would include
 # this in the quick_adcp.py command:
 #       --rotate_angle  X.YY
 # But a scale factor ("amplitude") should be applied:

  quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun rotate:apply_edit:navsteps:calib --rotate_amplitude 1.007  --auto

Number of edited points:  32 out of  36
   amp   = 1.0011  + -0.0028 (t -  30.3)
   phase =  -0.01  + 0.0589 (t -  30.3)
            median     mean      std
amplitude   0.9990   1.0011   0.0084
phase       0.0810  -0.0081   0.4342

   Looks good

Look at the figures too

 figview.py  cal/watertrk/wtcal1.png

(6) make web plots

      quick_web.py --interactive

- view with a browser, look at webpy/index.html

(7) extract data

  quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun matfiles --auto

  adcp_nc.py adcpdb  contour/os38nb  km1001c_demo os38nb --ship_name Kilo Moana

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